Little Larry Academy

By emyjane2

The Importance of Being Larry

Best viewed *larger*

Oscar Wilde would be impressed! Wow what a day with Larry. Well, I was in my studio which is situated below *his* hawthorn tree & there he sang so loudly the whole duration! Then he stopped. I was concentrating on something. When I heard a tap tap tap at the window, I looked round & there perched Larry looking at me through the window on an evening primrose flower... when I looked, he pretended to look up searching for spiders in the gaps in the window frame at the top & bottom... yeah yeah yeah Larry, I believe you, but thousands wouldn't! I think he was trying to work out why he could see me but not fly to my side for another round of Larry sings his heart out in my ears deafening me. At this point you're wondering why I'm not saying how amazing that moment was, but, I shrug, it's Larry, this is what he does! And he does it very well too! :) Feathery xxx's

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