New discovery

Today Jasper discovered that he's now big enough to jump onto the toilet lid, then the cistern, and across to the basin.

I thought he'd end up lying down and sleeping but it's purely a place for water. Unlike Benedict he isn't keen on drinking from a running tap.

I visited the vet after work to pick up Benedict's ashes. The ground is rock hard and literally full of rocks. Burial wasn't an option. So more tears and sadness. I miss my little pope. He was such a character. I welcome Jasper and grieve and let go of Benedict.

As I waited to be served I spotted a bottle of cat deterrent spray for soft furnishings. It has a pleasant citrus smell to me but Jasper thinks it's yuck :-) :-) :-)

I'll have to reapply it each day. It's non-marking and it's going to make life easier and more relaxed. It's a small expense compared to wrecked curtains and furniture.

I've come home with a stack of boxes. I'm keen to build my curious little 12 week old bundle of energy a tower :-)

Today's gratitude: For the end of the working week and the start of the weekend.

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