nadarsander 2000

By darsa

Torture bench

I work at home, and if there is no reason to go out, I don´t go. For the last two months I´ve gone out to take blips, but when the weather is no good, I take emergency subjects at home.

Today I went downtown to meet a friend, so there was no need to take emergency blip before leaving, because I´ve decided to photograph my friends, when I meet them.

Yesterday I tried to take a blip with this flash with 3 fiber optics. I used it for the first time in 20 years for my blip 21.1. I also tried my new method of closeups that was in my yesterdays blip. The subject was a close up of a camera, that I haven´t used after the day I bought it (10 years ago). The idea didn´t work (but I have a new idea, that I´m going to try maybe tomorrow).

Anyway, before I left downtown, I was going to take down my yesterdays construction in my bathroom. But realized that the construction itself was interesting subject for blip.

More interesting than the picture of my friend, I took later.

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