
By Houseonahill6

Mothers Day

We had thought about going out for lunch today but decided it was likely to be very busy as it was Mother’s Day so we went to The Waterside for breakfast. Felt a bit guilty tucking into bacon and eggs surrounded by people that were taking part in the Inverness half marathon or 5km.We watched others walking past on their way to the start line.Also lots of dog walkers with dogs of various sizes , it was quite funny seeing them all trot along beside their owners :)
We crossed the wobbly bridge which I hope gets a regular ‘health check’ as some of it is starting to look abit rotten !
A quick walk down the riverside and then back to Eden Court to watch The Shape of Water which we both enjoyed.An ice cream from the new kiosk on the banks of the Ness, a few photos of the runners near the end and then home.
Really foggy in the morning and we were worried we would not be able to park and with roads closed etc we had to be careful where to park but we were able to get our usual spot with no problems.

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