knit 1 girl 1

By knit1girl1

Day of yarn

Yet another busy day.
Had fun down at Portencross with the new camera and got some better photos with truer colours for me to use with my artwork. Took some nice and moody pics down the beach too, but thought the colours in these rocks was a bit cheerier.
I was meant to meet my friend Gwen for coffee, but she had to cancel at the last minute. This was probably for the best as it gave me time to sort out instructions for knitting a dropped stitch scarf for Yarn CLub this afternoon. I'm getting them to knit up to Christmas. Half of them can already knit so I thought dropped stitch would be good for them to learn a new technique while I taught the rest of them how to knit. It went much better than it had done before and hopefully they'll all be knitting things soon.
Headed up to Once A Sheep tonight to knit night. It's changed to a Tuesday so it's going to take a little bit of getting used to but I'll manage. It was lovely as usual, and caught up with some friends I hadn't seen for a while, and missed some who were unable to make it.
Really hoping I didn't get caught by a speed camera on the way home, but it's a fair cop if I did.

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