Journey Through Time

By Sue

Toad Lily

Tricyrtis is a genus of the botanical family Liliaceae, known in English as Toad lilies. Its native range is from the Himalayas to eastern Asia, including China,Japan, Philippines and Formosa. They are perennial herbaceous plants that grow naturally at the edge of forests. They prefer shade or part shade and rich, moist soil. Toad Lilies bloom in the fall. They are hardy enough to handle sudden changes of winter from mild to blustery cold.

I went to the Botanical Garden and the Toad Lilies are in bloom. Yay. I'd never seen or heard of these before last fall, when I went to the Wildlife Botanical Garden for the first time. They are small flowers and I did saturate the color to give more depth as they don't have that deep of a color in real life. But they are interesting looking flowers and I am pleased these were blooming so I could show them off to you.

Stopped at WinCo then and picked up some garlic bread and odds and ends. I made the best stew yesterday, I have to say. I simmered the floured and seasoned stew meat in Guinness beer,after it had browned, (probably not even 1 cup I'd say) for a long time so that it would be tender. I hate chewy stew meat. Then added the usual...onions, then the carrots, a few of our small fresh tomatoes, and let that simmer for awhile. Later the potatoes went in and in the end, all the veggies were perfect and the meat was flavorful and fairly tender. I was happy.

Hope you are all happy, my Blipsters. See ya later.

I do want to post this however. This is something I put up on my Facebook page. Would like to know what you think, if anything, on this (just in time for Halloween..bwahahahahahah):

Things that have happened in the last several weeks:

1. Driving along and thinking random thoughts which involved one of the people I follow on "Blip" in New Zealand who has a Wheaton Terrier. I thought of that dog and the beautiful photos this man takes, and then I see a man walking along the road with a sweatshirt on that says, "Wheaton College." I did NOT see that man before my random thought.

2. I went to my physical therapy last week and my lady has a lanyard around her neck that says "Dickinson College". I ask her about it and she is taking classes from there, on-line, I assume, because it is in Pennsylvania. I've never heard of it before and looked it up. Later that night I am watching a TV show and there is a character actress on there that I've seen before and I looked for her name - Frances Conroy. I read her biography and she went to Dickinson College in Pennsylvania.

3. Today I see that my former boss at JCPenney has a birthday. I wished her a happy birthday and then go to my Abble Dabble word game on my iPad. I make a word that nets me 162 points. That was my associate number at JCPenney.

4. Today we had our lovely Bloodgood Maple tree taken out. We had problems with it and it was in the wrong place and blah blah...had to have the pros come in and grind out the stump. I felt bad. A while ago I visited my Capture Clark County site where folks can vote for my photos, and one I haven't seen in a while had been given a vote and a comment. It was frosty red leaves from that red maple tree.

I look up synchronicity. No conclusions on my part can be made, I don't think. Anybody else have stuff like this happen? I'm sure you do.

THEN after I wrote this, I went to blip and saw something in the thumbnails and when I clicked on it the journal title was SYNCHRONICITY.

Cue the music from The Twilight Zone.

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