
indeed, I fulfilled my civic duty and voted early today. rode my bike up the hill and poked around on something that looked like an iPad for a few minutes. guess it worked--it looked like it worked, but one never really and truly knows in this country if one's vote is ever really and truly counted. I still like to vote, especially in presidential elections (this is my fourth) but I don't really follow politics as much as I used to. much too hopeless for that, things are so far gone that common ground will never again be found. maybe it's cynical and maybe I shouldn't bother voting at all. But it is cool to just say you were part of history, I suppose, in some tiny, small fraction of a way.

lovely things about tonight: beautiful sunset; L and I made a good dinner. she's back at the library now (which is where I should be). I think I will go read Susan Sontag's On Photography in the bathtub instead.

hey Blipfriends, exactly six months until my birthday. I will let you start planning now.

EDIT: last year's fog...epic for here --------->

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