
By Cr055ie

Sibling Contact.

Well today it is Rand Farm park.  Mya is having contact with her sisters.  Although they go to school together they are all in different classes, so we try to have sibling contact once a month to help them build their relationships.  

Today felt it was almost about me!!!  Mya's birth Mum had been told I have a birthday soon so we had sashes, cake, candles,, cards and presents.  Lou and Josh drove us there and stayed with us.  We had arrange for this to happen because I wasn't sure when I would get  the car back (it came back on Thursday night, but I haven;t has the bill yet!!).

We all had a fantastic time and I think the smiles on the sisters faces in the photograph say it all.  

I did come home with more than I bargained for though.  Josh was leading me into a shed to show me something and I tripped up a step.  I honestly thought I was going to fall on him so did a swift manoeuvre to make sure I didn't and wrapped my arms around him so he was at my side.  He was so surprised he moved his head and butted me in the face.  I have a fantastic shiner that is travelling upwards from my cheekbone. 

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