From Now On...

By rachelwhynot

The Quiet Chapel...

I got to St John's church early for the end of term service. No-one else was there yet, just the vicar, waiting for the pupils, staff and parents. It was beautifully quiet and special to be there. This chapel within the church has been set aside for quiet prayer and contemplation. The banner in my extra is worth sharing.

I had chosen a back pew..I hadn't told anyone I was coming. It was humbling to hear news of my attendance rippling through as the pupils arrived. They are great kids.

I did playtime duty with my colleagues, hunted for eggs and listened to all the things children love to share.

This evening we have been at a Maundy Thursday service and remembered the last night Jesus shared with his friends before he was betrayed and crucified. In the service this morning, John the vicar spoke of the shock and surprise that the story and message of Easter brings.

A lot to remember today. A good day...

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