Craft On Saturday

Trying these out as possibles for card class.  The monkey stands by itself, but the lamb is on a card.  Their heads are on springs, so that they wobble. I like the stand alone idea as the bottoms are rounded so they rock, but they are not very big.  So I don't know which is best to do.

We had a strange thing happen this morning a little bird, looked like a long tailed tit, was  trying to get in the closed kitchen window.  He wasn't flying into the window, but flying backwards and forwards across it and looking in.almost hovering.  Then I think he noticed us, although we were keeping well back from the window so as not to frighten him, and flew away.  He was definitely trying to come inside so I wondered if he had escaped from an aviary nearby., he didn't seem tame enough to be someones pet.  I can't stop thinking about him and hoping he is alright.

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