Matts Photo Journal

By photomatt

American Bald Eagle

A former co-worker got an excellent photo of an eagle earlier in the week. and told me that it was taken near an eagles nest in Ft. Hunt Park (about 30 minutes near my house).  He agreed to meet at the park this morning so that he could show me where the nest was located.  The nest was a bit of a distance away but got some OK shots..  Then we went to a second nest and there was no one home.  My co-worker had to take off so I stayed behind and walked back and forth between the nests. On my third trip back to the second nest,  an eagle was in the nest but I had no way of getting a clear shot.  I waited patiently for her to move and then heard a noise just a few feet away and didn't realize this guy had been there the whole time!  

He didn't seem to mind me being so close (this image is not cropped) but a guy walking his dog came along moments later and both eagles took off.  

Look for more eagle photos soon! 


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