
By fotoday

life on the ledge

Our Easter trips to Bempton (our 4th year) are principle to see the gannets and sea birds nesting on the cliffs (1st extra). This year has been less spectacular than usual as the gannets are here in the hundreds rather than the usual thousands and there are no auks, razorbills and guillemots,  on the cliffs at all yet. This is principally for 2 reasons, Easter is early and the weather has been appalling. I hope the nesting season catches up soon.

Nevertheless we had a good morning on the cliff tops with only a couple of other people to share the sights and brave the cold wind.

Later in the day we visited the bays around Flamborough and the weather warmed up in some pleasant sun. North Landing and Danes Dyke in extra.

In the main shot you get an impression of the vertical drop to a wild sea that the gannet looks at every day. He is clearing mud from the nesting site to prepare for the arrival of his partner.

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