Bin Chicken

Outside Lewisham Station there are several palm trees and these are the homes of many ibis.
The White Ibis is native to Australia, and when much of their natural wetland habitat was destroyed many ibises were forced to adapt to city life, not just in Sydney, but in pretty much every city in the country.

Most people now, myself include, have an image of them with their beaks in a bin and their bums in the air, not elegantly moving around wetlands.

Strangely, the ibis won the Guardian's 'Bird of the Year' in 2017, edging out some impressive contenders such as the wedge tailed eagle, the gang gang cockatoo and the king parrot.

I'm not quite sure why the Australian public has such a fondness for these birds.
Maybe because they thrive on rubbish??
Or perhaps because they're survivors:)

Have put up some pics from my trip to the show if you're interested.

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