
By annhall

Last of the Frangipani/Plumeria

Our weather has gotten crisper and with that signal and the winds, the plumeria will shed all its leaves and flowers and we will have stick trees for fall/winter! But oh, when they bloom, the scent is heavenly.

I wanted to share this photo before they all left due to the higher than usual winds we are having because of Hurricane Sandy. Fortunately, for our area, it has gone to the east coast. I pray most of our area is spared and the east coast is not hit hard, either. The islands have had much damamge and some deaths reported, and I pray for relief and disaster assistance for their people.

The flowers are used for leis in Hawaii, and they come in a great variety of colors.

Locally we have a Plumeria Society that has many members and many different varieties are grown and celebrated. My favorite is yellow, and I have 3 plants I have been babying this year for planting next spring. They have an almost vanilla'ish scent and I think it is beautiful.

So hope you enjoy the visual and imagine the scent! Thanks for viewing!

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