
By afterthoughts

Shot from a Train

My first recollection of the Danube goes back to my mother's love of Strauss and his famous waltz (On the Beautiful Blue Danube). I'm not sure whether I have followed the river or whether it has been tracking me down but I have lived in a number of towns on the Donau, as it is known in German ,(Hungarian: Duna). It never ceases to amaze me how wide and majestic it is, particularly at Budapest. Frighteningly so, if you have ever tried to photograph parliament from the river bank opposite. One of the great experiences in Budapest is to walk across the Chain Bridge on a windy afternoonwith the waters flowing by below. There was A Danube School of painting, Jules Verne wrote a novel called The Danube Pilot and it has found its way into the cultural life of all the countries it flows through. According to Wikipedia it touches ten countries and flows through 4 capital cities.

The day was wet and cold, the skies gloomy and dull. I had tried a number of waterdrops/river shots before this one turned out okay.

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