Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

You Really Just Never Know

Driving home from my friend Martha's this morning at about 8:00 AM I came upon this guy and his horse friend walking down the road in front of our driveway. When I inched closer they both turned around then went in the gate to our across the street neighbors and trotted up their driveway and out of sight. I parked my car at the end of our driveway and went across and closed the gate, which appeared to have been left open all night. I think the horse and donkey belong to a local guy who rents the pasture for them, and I'm sure they got out of their proper pasture and then discovered the open gate at the bottom of the driveway. Good thing I came along when I did! I called someone who sort of acts as caretaker when the owners of the property are away because I couldn't find the owner of the horse and donkey's phone number. I guess that's my good deed done.

The extra is the horse. Both photos rather soft because they were taken through the windscreen. Like yesterday's hawk!

Too bad it isn't Saturday as it would have made a good Silly Saturday blip!

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