Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Day 4 - Journeys

Today we boarded a ferry for a hour ride to Daufuskie Island where we rented a golf cart  for getting about which was so slow we could have walked faster!!   I pushed that pedal to the floor and we still were moving at snail speed!     But it was all good!   

Our first stop was at a stork many storks nesting and courting.    We also saw anhinga,  a great blue heron and a few other shore bird.  The island map we had been given was not really great; we wasted some time to get from one place to another!   We found a beach (a photo of us on the beach in the extra!) and then went looking for some lunch and other places but the time was running short so we decided to skip lunch, found the tiny museum and then went to get back on the ferry.    It was nice and sunny with warm temps but unfortunately a cool breeze blowing off the ocean had us mostly in jackets  again today.

After lunch of pizza for my friends and lasagne  for me, we went to the Port Royal boardwalk.  The photos in this collage are from there.   I did walk up that tower while Joyce and Diane stayed below.  You can see them in one of the photos of the collage.  This boardwalk was damaged by Hurricane Matthew last fall and we could see all the new boards that were replaced..including the tower.   That tower would be a great sunset viewing spot but we did not stay until then. 

At the last step at the top of the tower  I noticed someone had written the words to the text that I added to the collage.   How appropriate it was for us!!   

I posted a photo of a stork and a heron with his friend the alligator in the extras.   I also added a photo from yesterday evening as the sun came out and a rainbow appear for sunset!!  

Tomorrow will be another bright sunny day!    We have plans!!!    

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