Why I'll never be a photographer

Windmill Art, and Mark Swanson organised a model shoot at the Windmill, which is just outside our village.
This was a first for me, there were three or four other photographers there, I went with Emily who seemed to have fun.

There was a lot of encouragement and the models were excellent.

There were two, one very experienced and one who was on her first ever shoot.. We had to direct which is where it sort of went wrong for me as I really have no idea. I tend to take pictures of things I see, if I have an idea for a picture it is generally pretty simple stuff. Directing models.....eeek

A rare SOOC just for Ralph ;)
Bored yet ?
Last one

Anyway after an hour I sort of ran out of steam, which meant I did not get to have a go with the studio setup, however I suspect there will be a more permanent facility there soon so I'll get a chance.

So I take my hat off to all you proper photographers, I've always said that the hard bit is seeing the picture and today really confirms it for me. Great fun though. Thanks to Conrad and Mark for sorting it all out.

Next time I'll have a plan!

Might be better large

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