In My Life...

By steeble

Et Voila

Been a reet canny day the day

Started off with a quick clean of the car, followed that by going to the White Tuns in Witton Gilbert for the Fordmeet. I know I don't drive a ford but I like to go along every now and then. Its nice to see some of the different cars about.

Following that I went home and got quickly sorted, then off to Durham for the food festival. The market place was covered in stalls selling food from all over the world. Walked up to Palace Green, where there were even more stalls and a marquee. Amongst the stalls was Scoops and Smiles which is a 1950s style ice cream van. Its run by a friend of ours, so we waited until she had a spare minute and went to say hello and get a hot chocolate.

Inside the marquee was a lot more stalls with people selling everything from ginger wine to wild boar meat packs. Further inside was a seating area and a stage. Jean-Christophe Novelli was there and was due to give a cooking demonstration. It was packed with women(I don't think they were bothered about the cooking either, I overheard one girl walking past saying 'oh my god, he is sooooo hot'). I waited until he'd finished having a conversation with a friend of his, then approached him and asked for a picture. I did take a couple of just him, but then got Rachel to take this picture of the two of us. Rachel then joked saying he could be my dad looking at us.... I don't see it myself?

He was a really nice man, and its been a really nice day.

Hope you like....

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