
By ineffable


Keane did an interview recently, after cutting an album here. The picture accompanying the interview was in front of this wall. I laughed. This store and it's wall are on the premier tourist strip in this part of the old eastern part of the city (unfortunately we still really have 2 of everything here.) The truth is the wall is fascinating and eye catching, and for a year after I moved here I was drawn to it. Now I walk past it everyday and think things like, oh... they took the Christmas trees down, they re-sequined, or sick - that chair is awful.

But today I stopped and did something I've been wanting to do since February 2007 when I moved here. I stopped and took a picture.

My camera has done something for me. I look more closely. I stop more often. I appreciate beauty. I did before. But the forced stop. The making myself not simply note the moment, but attempt to capture it. If I had known that the expenditure of a few hundred Euros would add so much quality and depth to my life I would have done it a lot sooner.

I guess the truth is that it's all in your perspective. Some people don't need a camera to live this way. To breath deeply. To walk slowly. To appreciate beauty.

I'm still on crutches though... Wink. And perfectly content to learn slowly. Sigh. But I am becoming content. And it's a lovely journey.

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