Vive la Vie

By gillybxl

We found it!

Three years ago we started queuing in the pouring rain, with a wait time of two and a half hours to get into The Louvre. We quickly abandoned this and promised to come back. We can’t believe it took us this long but it was worth the wait as the kids are older and appreciated it more.
I made a treasure hunt up for them with five to six of the most famous items and things I thought they’d be most interested in. I also printed out interesting facts about The Mona Lisa which we went through the night before. We didn’t want to overdo it and make them really bored so this way worked a treat as they were both excited.
We’d pre booked our tickets for a certain time and couldn’t believe that there were no queues to get in and how relatively quiet it was inside The Louvre. I guess everyone was watching the Paris marathon! I have a marathon next week so didn’t feel the need to overkill the running thing!

After this we explored the Mont Marte area which was cool, and then it was time to head back home. We’ve done a lot of driving in a week and can’t believe the amount of things we’ve squeezed in. Another great holiday to remember.

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