Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

My sunflowers are growing so fast I needed to replant them today. I also had to put them on a safe place, because I have pest - still - on my tomato plants and I don't want those pests to find my sunflowers. 
Hopefully I can treat my tomato plants during the weekend, outside... 
I thought I'd gotten rid of the cold yesterday, but today I'm worse again. I have a lot to do:
- finish my writing fiction course (including writing a short story 750-1000 words),
- finishing the next step in the EU work application process (yes, I'm through to the next step, despite my test trial failure...), 
- taking care of the tomato plants,  
- finishing my mums necklaces 
- prepare the patio for springtime... 
So, I really don't have time to be ill anymore, and came back. My plan now is to do the things I can that doesn't require too much energy, and rest a lot, which means that the pest are going to keep pestering my poor tomato plants. Oh, well... at least I have tea. :) 

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