
By stuartjross

Northern Monadhliath

This bridge looks curiously out of place. It spans, with some elegance, the Allt Uisg an t-Sidhein a burn which tumbles down this northern slopes of the Monadhliath. It was a convenient stop for our lunch today and at the time this shot was taken the rain and sleaty snow had given up for a while.

As part of our survey work here we have actually been taking photos as we go, last week too. What occurred to me today was that a photo for me normally is a thing of pleasure, done where and when I want. However, here, it was a set of 3 or 4 every couple of hundred metres and quite often these halts coincided with the horrific swirling sleat and snow. It was absolutely impossible to keep the lens surface water free despite the deep recess of the lens hood and at one stage I feared it may become water damaged. The constant removeal and re-stowage back in the bag simply served to create a puddle in the bottom of the bag.

I am baffled why someone has waited till the start of winter to commission this work. Anyway, mustn't grumble.

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