Pumpkin hunting

Today we went out pumpkin hunting. Now as much as I love an excuse to decorate, even though I rarely get around to it (Christmas I manage, and occasionally Easter), I've never really had much reason to decorate for autumn, and I don't really do halloween. I guess it's pretty unescapeable - but I don't have to actively embrace or engage in it!

Anyway I enjoy carving pumpkins, and wanted to paint some as well, but didn't just want tame supermarket ones. I wanted to go and hunt for my beasties. So we have a crown prince, an organic something, and an onion gourd. All suitable for eating, which is the main thing once they have been used and abused! It wasn't much of a hunt though :( I'd love to find a proper pumpkin patch to go to, as opposed to a farm that has already harvested all the pumpkins. (As amazing as it looked!)

It took SO LONG to get out of the house this morning though. Thankfully this meant both boys fell asleep in the car on the way so Steve and I sat and chatted and set the country to rights while we waited for one or the other to wake up. Good times, chatting about stuff.

Charley wore his new-to-us tiny red wellyboots and appeared to be doing a pretty good job walking in them. He's slowly getting the hang of the idea that he needs to uncurl his toes to put slippers or shoes or boots on. Guess that's what comes from being barefoot for 10 months!! He enjoyed cimbing up the pumpkin displays, and exploring around the pumpkin cafe. Funny boy, he's utterly spooked by cats, but dogs - he just watches them. Stops dead still, and stares at them. Cats he screams about and runs to the nearest human for reassurance! There were quite a few dogs about today :)

We found a very pleasant little shop/cafe (The Forge) which although only the shop was open today they were very happy to let us come and sit down so I could nurse a roaring Charley, and discovered that the Sun are doing another lego "giveaway". I hope it doesn't turn out as expensive as the last time.

Cake and foccacia and ham and noodles and beer for dinner, baths for the boys, and bed. And snuggles with Steve for me. Yes please :)

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