Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Off to school

I can’t help noticing how much earlier the world comes to life in London when I compare it to Dunoon. This photo was taken at 8am; these days that’s when I first get up and look out at our empty street. This morning I’d wakened before 7am to the sound of feet - feet outside my room, accompanied by giggles, and feet outside my window as people hurried down the road to the railway station as the sun rose over the rooftops.

We hate goodbyes - and the boys seem to feel the same - but our last wave on the pavement was cheery as we promised it wouldn’t seem too long till the summer hols.

And now we’re home again; the heating is on; the wind was until recently threatening to blow the gas flue down; the rain has not long stopped. Truly we live in different countries.

I’m missing my family already ...

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