Tiny Tuesday: Travel - Spark Plug

We wouldn't travel far in a petrol car without these little devices. (Diesels don't need them.) It's amazing how long they last - I calculate that in a 4-cylinder engine at 3,000rpm they're producing 1500 sparks per minute - that's 90,000 sparks per hour! (If someone reckons I've got my sums wrong then please feel free to tell me.)

(PS I've now added a pseudo spark in Photoshop - best seen when viewed large.)

(Many moons ago when I used to run (and service) my MGB I went to an MG Owners' Club rally, where I won a competition for changing all 4 spark plugs in the shortest time. The prize was just a bottle of cheap wine, but hey what about the glory?!)

(Artistic licence confession: This is actually the spark plug from our lawn mower - it's easier to get out than one from the car, but the construction's the same.)

Many thanks to intothehills for hosting TT this month.

PS To NE England blippers - how about a blipmeet in Newcastle sometime in May? Would the morning of 5th or 19th May work for you?

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