Progress and Patience

Despite a restless night (when my ouchy frozen shoulder kept waking me), I managed to get up bright and early, and was making progress on my new painting straight after breakfast, and before popping to Kingsbridge to have my shoulder X-rayed. (The doctor wants to be sure that it is 'just' a frozen shoulder.)

Afterwards we found ourselves in Morrison's car-park and 'accidentally' went inside to buy calorific cinnamon whirls to accompany our coffee when we got home. (And blow me if some pecan plaits didn't land in the basket, too, though we're saving those for tomorrow's 11ses.)

I'm pleased with my painting's progress so far, but not ready to share it in Blipland (yet). Have now reached the stage where I know it's not finished, but am afraid of spoiling what I've already achieved.

Tomorrow's another day. Meanwhile, thank you to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday with the theme "lines", which I hope you can spot among my acrylic paint tubes. Now off back to Kingsbridge for more lines ... of dancers line-dancing!

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