Now then, now then

(1) And it came to pass that the day arrived for the Pensioner's 1000th blip. And it fell on a Tuesday, as had been foretold. And the Pensioner was full of woe and foreboding. For it was also the day of Instography's 1000th blip and huge were the multitudes who swarmed to rejoice and greet him with loud hosannas.

(2) And the Pensioner was at his place of toil, in the wilderness, tending to his flocks, and the night had fallen by the time he returned, sorely vexed. And further, the Pensioner's trusty TZ20 had been given unto the Macabees at Cameratiks and the Pensioner felt without hope and was cast down.

(3) But a voice came to the Pensioner. And it was the voice from the ages, from close at hand and it was comforting, and it said, be not downcast for I bring you glad tidings. Lift your eyes, open your heart and be not afraid.

(4) And Lo, the Pensioner's cabinet before him was no longer bare, for it had been furnished with the finest drink and verily, a camera had been set on a tripod; at a very appropriate ISO and shutter speed. And the Pensioner cried aloud with exultations, but his benefactor was nowhere to be seen. Truly Jim had fixed it.

(5) And the Pensioner did kneel and he girded up his loins, and did offer up thanks and praise to blipcentral and yada yada all the commentators yada yada and especially Guinevere who had soothed the Pensioner's troubled countenance with her epistles and songs of joy and Kiki Dee on so many occasions. But that is another story, and for another millennium.

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