
By freethinker

Scurdie Ness Lighthouse

Scurdie Ness Lighthouse is located on the headland and has also been referred to as Montroseness Lighthouse. In 1867 the seafaring community of Ferryden made representations to the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses to have a light established on Montrose Point due to the numerous shipwrecks and great loss of life along that coast. There are 11 wrecks recorded around the mouth of the estuary.
The lighthouse was built by David Stephenson and Thomas Stevenson and at 6 pm on Tuesday 1 March 1870 the tower was lit for the first time. During World War II the lighthouse was temporarily painted black so that it could not be used by the German bombers as a daytime reference point. The light was not illuminated except when requested by the Royal Navy.

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