
What  a difference a day makes.  Still cold and windy but we have some sunshine.  KG went off to table tennis and badminton and I tidied out one drawer of rubbish and reclaimed more space.
Hung the washing out and wandered around the garden.  Lots of pink today - bleeding heart, azalea and cherry blossom.   Background ICM on the Acer.
Thanks to you all for putting my quilt on page 2 of the pops.  Really chuffed.
Have a good Monday. 

Out in the garden this afternoon and was trimming the shrubs.  when I went to clear up the board catching the bits from falling in the pond.  Saw an insect and realised it was a damsel fly.   See extra  It seemed as though it had not left its chrysalis long.  We transferred  to a plant near the pond and I got some pictures of it before it flew away.  Really pleased to have seen on this early

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