Ruby-crowned kinglet

Tiny details in Large.

I originally though she was a warbler, but gen2 was kind enough to ID this little beauty for me as the ruby-crowned kinglet.  The RCK is not native to Michigan, where I am, so I assume she is on her way back to Canada to breed.  (They spend the winters in the southern parts of the US and California.)  How exciting to get to see one.

I think this is a warbler, and it looks similar to a palm warbler (according to my birds of Michigan book).  But it was impossibly small... Even by warbler standards.  I'd have to say it wasn't much bigger than my thumb, almost as small as a hummingbird.  

I thought I'd be posting the red-winged blackbird, but he ended up in extras.  Though RWB are really hard (for me) to get close to, this guy actually hung out for a few shots...  A first for me.  But, then I got the warbler kinglet up on my computer screen and couldn't pass up the cuteness factor.   Choice made.

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