Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Up and out very early this morning.  Went to Rannerdale to see the bluebells for today's milestone blip.  We had the place to ourselves for the hour and a half we were there, amazing.  Definitely worth going early.  Co-incidentally I also blipped Rannerdale bluebells on the same day last year and the year before!  Must be something special about the 9th May!  If you want a view, see extras.

Misty of course has to be the star of today's blip as she's with me for all of them and features in lots as well.  So here we are at blip no. 2190, six years of blipping with some gaps along the way.   Can't believe that I'm still here!  Thanks to everybody who visits my journal and may even meet some of you this year :)

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