Heart and Souled

By DebsP

Right. Where were we?

I've missed having an excuse to vault on to the picnic bench in the garden! The light caught the smoke from the sweet factory a peach this afternoon as it dipped down the valley.
Am I mad coming back in November? My fingers are just thawing out!
Blip reveals something I didn't know. The funny little silvery things in the bottom right hand corner are some of the birds I made with the primary school children (for the town festival). I didn't even realise I could see their playground fence from our place, I think the zoom's helped! They're made of CDs cut up and stuck on the estate agent board 'birds'. The theme was art from waste materials. The folk at the school didn't want to take them down at the end of the festival so we'll see how long they survive the Peak District weather. I was so chuffed with how they all looked and that people liked them too. I might back blip some pics.
I don't know if I'll blip everyday but I do need to put my camera back at the heart of things. Pokeybagel, thank you for encouraging me to get back in the swing. Love to you all. x

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