Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Last Exit

I didn't have a blip today until 9:30pm when we drove over to Khawaneej. The drive was mainly to give the Volvo a run. I'd felt it lose power on Monday night and it struggled to start in the evening. G reckons it's the battery and could do with a long run, so that's what we did after the Salvation Army service, most of the drive without air-conditioning* as I didn't want to exert the battery! We'll know tomorrow if it was worth it.

What was definitely worth it was driving to The Last Exit for a Spiced (Karak) tea. We haven't been for months and it has been greatly enhanced. A whole new section has been added (The Yard) to sit and enjoy the great outdoors (!!!) and there is now a lake with two bridges over it and . . . ta da . . . rails to place lovelocks! That's right. Those pesky lovelocks have made their way to Dubai, except here they are called Promise locks (see extra).

Blip opportunities abound here, so another visit is planned when there is more light and time. The cow reading the newspaper really cracked me up. Honestly, who thinks of these things?!

Prior to that, I had an extremely trying morning. For some reason, my phones' mobile data was playing up which mean that I couldn't catch up with Blip comments whilst I waited for G to finish her lessons. In an annoying turn of events, The Mall where I go to wait didn't have free WiFi for guests. What they offered was limited connectivity. I have never surfed the web using an open connection. I also got into trouble for parking there for more than two hours.

We had a very good follow-up meeting with our new web developer and made it home just in time to have a very quick meal before heading out to the SA service, armed with guitar and recorder. It's been a full day.

* The temperature hit the mid-40's today and it would have been in the mid-30's in the evening.

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