Sit less, move more

Each weekday morning I sit in the hospital waiting room beside this poster. On the way out of the building I pass another that lists all the dangers of not taking exercise when under treatment for cancer. These messages have contributed to my determination to keep as active as I can while I am a patient.

I've had a busy day. I raced to finish proof-reading and editing a document for a certain PhD student to submit in time for a deadline tomorrow. Then I put on a smart dress and high heels (a rare occurrence for me) for an evening of celebration at the Royal Society of Edinburgh, followed by dinner with new fellow Arclight, alfthomas, and Mr hazelh.

As for the state of my health, I'm still feeling nauseous. However, I'm managing to cope with this, mainly with the distraction of keeping busy.

Exercise today: bike ride along the Raeburn path, walking (14,567 steps).

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