Mar In Urbana

By MarMilner

It Seems Like Only Yesterday

What can I say about Blipfoto. It's addictive, it makes you look at everything you see through different eyes. If allows you to make new friends from all over the world. Sometimes you even get to meet fellow blippers in person. That is really exciting. It brightens your day with the wonderful, encouraging comments folks make on our blips. A little over 200 days ago my friend Annie told me about Blipfoto. She suggested I might enjoy doing this blipping thing. I had a digital camera but I don't think up to starting blipping I had taken more than two dozen pictures with it. I am loving this site. My friends hear me talk all the time about what I just blipped for the day. They are now starting to tell me what they saw that day and said I thought of you and how this would have made a great blip for you. Thanks to all of you who have taken the time not only to look at my blips but to comment also on them. You have brightened my day and I appreciate every last one of you. Well, now let's shoot for my 365 blips.

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