
By atoll

The Swansea Kiss

This is a shot of the Meridian Tower taken this morning just outside of the 'Tug and Turbut' pub on Swansea marina (this mentioned for only geographical bearings you understand). It was taken enroute to my interview for my potential consultancy role linked to the city's Boulevard & Waterfront scheme.

At the time of writing this, I have not had good or bad news following my interview, so I have to admit to feeling unsure to my chances now. On a more positive note, we have had a brilliant day all round regardless - including finally firing-up the diesel Cabin heater in Betty Blue, now happily afloat in Bristol marina. This last bit required lighting meths to heat the diesel to ignition temperature, so not the easiest system.

I understand that Meridian Tower is the tallest building in Wales. The top three floors consist of the Grape and Olive restaurant run by the Cardiff brewery SA Brains.

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