a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Bank Holiday Weather

Flower Friday: Bank Holiday Weather

When I was looking I the garden for a Tiny Tuesday subject, none of these poppies had flowered, the buds all seemed tightly shut.  Tuesday was a lovely sunny warm day and when I got back from work that evening the first had bloomed. 

It is the Spring Bank Holiday here in the UK, what used to be the Whitsun Weekend, except that was actually last weekend.  The Spring Bank Holiday was moved to the end of the month back at the beginning of the '70s.  I have been casting my mind back and I'm pretty certain this particular Bank Holiday weekend is often quite a wet one.  True to form, the lovely weather that we have been enjoying has come to an end and we are enjoying cooler and much wetter conditions. Well that's not strictly true.  I am not enjoying them but the garden certainly is.

As you can see from the photo, the rain has been reasonably constant today, if not always that heavy.  This particular poppy looks as though its doing its best to hide in the warm.

Shots of such vivid red flowers are always quite tricky, the red element of the histogram indicates that the red colours need a slightly shorter exposure than the other colours.  I find that I have to underexpose by at least one stop to avoid the red highlights being over exposed.

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