Railside Prickly Poppy

Another day surveying along the East Coast railway, and although it remained breezy it was several degrees warmer, thankfully. The morning didn't start well, as when we arrived at the site I realised I hadn't packed my field bag which meant a trip home to collect it - an extra hour of driving in total.

But once that was sorted out we had a very successful day, the highlight of which was discovering a small population of Prickly Poppy growing on a disturbed area of ground. This species is now considered to be Endangered in England, and was last recorded in Huntingdonshire ten years ago. The wind had damaged this flower, but it gives a good view of the developing seed capsule with the appressed hairs that will eventually develop into the characteristic 'prickles'.

In the evening we had a Chinese meal with Chris and Lizzy, and then Lizzy and I watched The Handmaid's Tale, which was superbly done but particularly harrowing. The male members of the family had a much jollier time with a couple of bottles of wine.

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