In Brief, for once...

By JaxI

Jogakuin Schoolgirl?

Today was the culture festival at the school I work at, so I dropped in for a couple of hours with M to check out all the wonderful creative things my girls get up to for this once a year event.
We were a bit late for the best of the food, and the queue for the annual top favourite haunted classroom was of Disneyland proportions so we gave it a miss, but M had great fun playing the games and watching the handbell and dance performances of la creme de la creme.

The school PR team had a dress up in the school uniform corner , and my students gave M no choice but to try it on. It was very weird seeing my daughter in the uniform of the girls I teach every day. Although she insists she will be at HIS until she graduates, I can say that of all the 20 odd schools I have worked at in Japan over the years, this is the first one I would probably be quite happy for my girl to go to.
Aa-ah, Jogakuin!

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