
By jennyg

Scene from the Mineral Tramways

Another day of bright sun and heavy showers.

Went for a walk along the Great Flat Lode, this is part of The Portreath to Devoran Mineral Tramways where the miners use to take there tin ore and copper to the sea, and the coal was brought from the ships to power the mine pumps, which pumped the water out of the mine. This road was opened in 1812. and went on till the mining declined in about the 1860 1870s.

This image shows some of the Mine engine Houses in the area also the Stamps, this is where the ore was crushed, must have been a terribly defying place to be in.

I have put two more image Here One shows a scene just before it rained looking in a different direction. The other is of an over view of the area, you an see the sea on the right hand side.

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