Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Pleasant Interiors

Drove to the GICC this afternoon for Geraldine's first follow up appointment with her oncologist post radiotherapy. This is what the non-treatment area looks like! I'm going to be mean and say it is empty because for some reason, it is located in the middle of nowhere, and it is REALLY out of the way for both staff and patients!

Ok, got that off my chest. Seriously, this is a purpose built centre that aims to provide post-op treatment for cancer patients and as usual for this part of the world, there's no expense spared to make it look good and keep it looking that way too. It was nice to know that after this visit was over, G wouldn't be feeling unwell for a few days and then taking a few more to get back to "normal." Everything is fine and we don't have to go back there till February 2013.

Feel like I'm doing a Noodle888 here except its in colour! (Noodle, please take that as a compliment!)

Not inspired to write today because my head is full of music I suddenly HAD to listen to! Does anyone remember the band Sky from the late 70s? Sky 2... Disk 1, Side A - Hotta, Dance of the Little Fairies, Sahara. Yup. That's my thing. Now I'm listening to dance music that I'm putting together for SweetArt469's 20th Wedding Anniversary party. I'd rather be clubbing??!!!

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