(Not) Washing Weather

I hung washing out today as well, all the towels the lads used. But it was a grey, damp day, though no actual rain. Such weird weather.

This was in Évora, where we went to pick up the flooring we'd ordered. I also developed and put into a small album the photos I took last night at Margaretha's party, not brilliant as quite hard to take great photos in low light when you need to press the shutter by pushing a toothpick into it... But had noticed her husband trying to take photos and not managing very well.

Anyway, had a fun time trying to find their house (they didn't answer their phone). By asking around, ended up in a totally different village, at the house of a Dutch couple! Thankfully, we'd met them at the party, and they showed us where the Swedish couple lived. Received very warmly and shown around their gorgeously altered house.

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