
By Veronica

Change of scene

The Tuesday walk! With my new-found confidence I decided to try les sportifs, who set off half an hour earlier than the easy group. It didn't sound too sporty, as it was advertised as 10 km and 120 metres of climbing. After many ups and downs, and ups and downs, in and out of valleys, someone speculated that G had calculated the climbing by simply subtracting the lowest point from the highest point -- it was more like 400 m total climbing, along with some tricky descents on very narrow rocky paths. I found it pretty knackering, as they go at a relentless pace and there is little time to smell the roses. It was a warm and humid day too, but the clouds never delivered the threatened rain. Also I forgot my fancy walking poles, but luckily was able to borrow one. We got back to the cars at six, back home, flop for the rest of the evening.

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