The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Golden sands...

..well, in truth it is golden mud. On the other side of the Kent from Arnside, Grange is grandly called Grange-over-Sands. These days, it is more accurately Grange-over-Grass since the Spartina encroached over the mudflats and turned them to saltmarsh.

Marpaul said to me yesterday that it is not often we see a golden sunset. I said that I had blipped one on 5th November last year, and here 365 days later is another one complete with a heron slowly stalking through the shallows. This was taken at Blackstone Point, the furthest point west from Arnside, before the coast turns south towards Far Arnside.

Wifie and I had walked over the Knott, and then dropped down to the coast. I had a feeling this was going to be a special sunset, so I went on to the Point while Wifie turned back to the village. Tonight would have yielded enough blips to see me through the next couple of weeks, if I could only eke them out day by day. And what a change to the dawn, which barely happened despite my effort to get up in good time and walk to the top of the Knott.

I came home in the dark this evening, feeling so happy to live here, and so glad to be alive. The perfect end to a weekend.

ps Just noticed the sunset on 4 November last year!

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