Beautiful Blewits.


I love the purple and orange-brown coloration of Blewits, so I took a walk at lunchtime back to the Birch, in the grounds of County Hall, where I found the ones I'd been looking for on Friday. Since then more have emerged - I counted a total of 11 under that one tree.

En route back to the office I passed another Birch and stopped for a good look around that - and found there are several huge groups of them under it, each containing many 'shrooms. What a lovely find! Blewits are deemed edible, and regarded by many as really good to eat. However I've never tried them , and apparently they can cause upsets in some people, even when cooked, so despite the fact that I could easily cut some from the massive number under that second tree, I think I'll give that a miss ...

Late this afternoon I noticed from my desk that the sun was out through a gap in the clouds, it had been raining and the clouds took on a certain colour and form which made me think 'Rainbow?' As soon as I went to the window and looked out, there it was .... a double! So I grabbed my camera . Sadly by the time I switched my camera on and zoomed it, the second one had virtually faded but I managed a few shots of the single one. Not great pics, taken through a rather grubby office window, but I couldn't resist the chance .... I then whizzed up to the ground floor and outside, hoping to catch it - needless to say it had vanished completely by the time I got there!

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