
By laralouisawi

Berlin Botanics

I woke up to knocking on my bedroom door and the voice of Callum screaming “WAKE UP ITS THE QUEENS BIRTHDAY AND WE’RE MAKING BANANA PANCAKES!!”

And indeed we did do just that. It was the perfect Saturday morning. And the day didn’t stop getting better.

Tom, Julia, Callum and I went to the botanics. It was almost unbearably hot but it didn’t stop us spending a good few hours staring at plants. The glass houses were absolutely amazing.

After the botanics, we went to the other side of town, to Prenzlauer berg, where there’s a Lebanese restaurant that Tom and I had previously been with my parents. It was well worth the trek across town.

Afterwards, we went to a bar that we’ve become quite fond of called Morgenrot. That means “rough morning” in German. We had a couple of cocktails each and Julia ordered what she thought was a glass of wine (turned out to be a jug) so we shared that among us too.

Overall, a Saturday very well spent.

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