
By Mindseye

Tiny infiltrator!

A bit groggy this morning, not a great nights sleep, but up and at 'em, as they say ;-)

Ate my breakfast in the garden, then spent an hour catching up with some of your journals.

Stripped the bed, put the laundry on, love it when its been dried outside :-)

An early sandwich as I was off to pick youngest up from work. for his eye check up.
All is well, his pressures remain stable, thankfully!

He has only two weeks left at his current job. He has been head hunted by his previous employer.......a more senior position, home based, more money, less stress, a no brainer! He will not need to rely on taxis to/from work, which he is looking forward to and he doesnt need to wear smart clothes ;-) They are kitting out their small bedroom as his study.....but until its done, Ive brought his desk document magnifier home to keep it safe.

We've had steak, jerseys, fried onions, tomatoes and fried egg for dinner, we fancied something hot as its cooled down a fair bit as the day has gone on.......some heavy looking clouds earlier, but it still hasnt rained :-/

Todays blip is of our pastel coloured flower bed, but some tiny little thing has literally popped up ;-) You can probably just spot the little orange splash, think this little californian poppy qualifies for Tiny Tuesday :-)

Well thats me for today, just off to put some fresh bedding on our bed before I forget, otherwise I will be cursing later......it has been known ;-)

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