Crazy About Birds

By Kimb


One last shot of the Atlantic Ocean this morning before leaving Hull and heading towards home.

I am now at a Fairfield Inn in Lebanon, Pennsylvania. When I got here at 4:45 - after driving 7 1/2 hours - I realized I had lost my iPhone. And as I sat there mulling that over, I realized I had left it in a stall in the bathroom at a rest stop. Further thinking narrowed it down to probably on Interstate 84 just over the Connecticut border from Massachusetts. 

I went online to iCloud - knowing that the phone was on, with the wifi activated - and did the "Find My Phone" thing, and then did the Lost Phone routine that both locks it and allows you to put a message on the lock screen (how amazing is all this technology?!!). It found the phone, sure enough at the rest stop where I thought I'd left it. But of course, that rest stop is currently not manned - the phone is only answered between 8:30 AM and 3:30 PM - so I'll call tomorrow, I hope. But the message I put on it has my home phone number and address - so maybe...


The rather intriguing thing is that I took this photo this morning with my iPhone. Which is not on my person now. But, so, it must still be somewhat in touch because after I powered up my laptop and got online, three photos of the ocean taken this morning with my phone appeared in Photos... Wow.

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