Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Getting lucky

Today was rather grey and damp, but this afternoon it cheered up, so when I'd seen OG (who is just out of hospital after a scare) I took the camera down the track hoping for a dragonfly.  Instead I saw this kingfisher.  A 200 ml lens is not really long enough for bird blips, but he did let me get just close enough for this.  What a thrill!

And now I'm completely caught up on my posting - phew!  Life perhaps can return to normal!

Don't forget tomorrow is FlowerFriday.  Anni (BikerBear) and I have agreed that not only could wildflowers be posted for both challenges, but that some crossover would be fun.  So if this is up your street, go for it!

And have a happy evening - or what's left of it  xx

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